Monday, September 8, 2008

The Handymen

"We have too much crap, how are we going to get it all home?!"

This is the conversation that led Rich to his new hobby......welding.
When we were first married Rich had an old trailer, that he used to haul his motorcycle. When we moved to Boise it stayed at my parents house. So when we came for a visit this summer Rich decided to resurrect the old trailer so that we could carry all of our extra stuff home. With the help of my dad, brother, and brother-in-law they got it road ready.

Before the welding party.... yep might not make it home


  1. I remember that trailer! I can't believe it is the same one! So you must have made it home OK with the trailer.

  2. Love the Blog Babe! I am so happy you joined the blog world. Leave it to my brother's inventive mind to come up with something like that. We miss you guys and Cora even cried the other day when I explained why her cousins lived so far.
