"Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life." -
(Dior Yamasaki)
Ten years later and still fabulous!
Hey guys, we are over here...
I don't know how many of you have been to your high school reunions, but this year I decided that we would go. The only expectations that I had were ideas I got from the movie Romy & Michele's High School Reunion. Hilarious movie! I am so glad that we went, it was fun to see old friends and even funner to see my friends that I have stayed in touch with over the years.
We attended the park picnic during the day, it was fun to see my kids playing with there kids. At night is when it got interesting. The kid we sat by ( I won't name names) he was a hoot! He told us all about how he got fired from his job, right after his wife filed for divorce, right after she found out that he had two other children with another women, that he didn't even know about until the State of Idaho came knocking on his door. Yep, that was a fun evening!
Thanks for sharing the pictures. I did not bring my camera, so could you please email these? I have a guess on the class mate, but not really shore. Caroline was there wasn't she? I also enjoy the renion.