Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

This year all of my kids were very excited about Halloween. Rylee wanted to be an angel, Nate was an excellent pirate. I actually wanted Carson to be a chicken like Nate and Rylee were when they were 2. But Carson would have nothing to do with the chicken suit, he wanted to be a football man.
We started off the night with a neighborhood pizza party and then went trick-or-treating from there. The kids actually were done in about an hour, I think all the days festivities wore them out. They sure weren't to tired to rip open the candy bags as soon as we got home.
Click to play Happy Halloween
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  1. Where have I been??? You have a ton of post up since I have been here last, your kids are as cute as ever. Hope life is treating you well...if you ever make it back to AZ give us a holler!

  2. Nathans pirate costume is so cute! I was noticing Ryley's friend had a costume with no sleeves, and I thought that would never work in Idaho. It was very cold on Halloween her.

  3. When did all of these post go up? I have been missing your family. I hope all is well.
